Monthly Archives: November 2015


Here we done posted a teaser for your listening pleasure. Not something you wanna play with the kids around.. Or pretty much anyone who gets offended by talk of dick. And I don’t mean Richard.

In which Squallor poses the question of the outright appropriateness of asking someone to move around too much for a proper dick pic.


Show notes and pics in the episode link.

Successful Night

Squallor, Mammal and I had a great night last night. We got plenty of material for the first Squallorcast – which should be out shortly. We’ll have a little preview up soon so as to not keep both of the people watching this web site waiting. Can’t wait!

Here We Go!

Boy Howdy do we have a treat in store for y’all. Our very own Squallor has agreed to help guide us all through Life, Liberty and the pursuit of a Pepsi. Her words will ring loud and true on this little Podcast experiment we call ‘Squallorcast!’