Let Squallor know…

…what you would like to hear her talk about. Lord knows it’s scary opening up comments. But hey! It’s not like anyone reads this thing yet anyway – but it’s worth a shot. We’ll get there. Maybe.


Comments below.. Let’s hear ’em.

Episode 4

In which we try something new and let the conversation just go where Squallor and Mammal wanted it to go. We’ll probably get more than a couple of episodes from this evening as we wouldn’t want to subject you all to the whole two hours in one sitting. That would just be cruel.

In this episode, we say a fond goodbye to The General.



Here we done posted a teaser for your listening pleasure. Not something you wanna play with the kids around.. Or pretty much anyone who gets offended by talk of dick. And I don’t mean Richard.

In which Squallor poses the question of the outright appropriateness of asking someone to move around too much for a proper dick pic.


Show notes and pics in the episode link.

Successful Night

Squallor, Mammal and I had a great night last night. We got plenty of material for the first Squallorcast – which should be out shortly. We’ll have a little preview up soon so as to not keep both of the people watching this web site waiting. Can’t wait!